Filters - Union Motors Filters


s l500 Filters

Air Filter

  • Protect the engine against dirt particles in the intake air.
  • Protect the engine against wear.
  • Safeguard the air supply for the mixture preparation.
  • Reduce the noise level.
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Oil Filter

  • To protect the engine against impurities in the oil such as dust, metal particles, combustion residue, or soot particles.
  • Minimisation of wear and friction.
  • Heat dissipation.
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Diesel Filter

  •  To protect the injection system and engine components from any foreign matter, such as dust and other residues in the fuel.
  •  To safeguard against water in the fuel.
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Cabin Filter

  •  Captures up to 100% of dust and dirt particles, pollen, and bacteria.
  • Ensures optimum filtration due to the several layers of different polymer fibres.
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Gasoline Filter

  •  Application-specific media designed to meet the needs of all kinds of engines.
  • Long service life and extended service intervals.
  • Materials, design, and construction of Bosch Petrol Filters contribute to excellent performance in all kinds of operating conditions .
  • Unmatched fuel-cleansing performance

Hydraulic Filter

  • The electrical system is primarily composed of the starter motor, battery and alternator.
  • These three parts are responsible for starting the engine, keeping it running and powering all electrical components like the radio, lighting, windows, locks, windshield wipers, air conditioning and more.

Coolant Filter

  • Coolant filters separate particles and residues from the coolant thus reducing the risk of an expensive downtime of the cooling system in commercial vehicles.
  • Coolant filter has the corrosion-resistant housing and coolant-resistant seals protect the engine by preventing


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